Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

EP 260 Our Journey Into the Quantum Field at a Joe Dispenza Retreat | Rosanne Austin & Michelle Oravitz

What happens when you get Rosanne Austin and Michelle Oravitz at a Dr. Joe Dispenza weeklong retreat? Lots of leaps into the quantum field, personal transformation, and insight on fertility! Join our conversation as we dish all the goods on our weeklong retreat where we met in person for the first time. Find out about our very crazy synchronicities! You won’t want to miss this!


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The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support:

Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility


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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

EP 234 Creator of Queer Fertility Shares Her Fertility Struggles and Why She Felt a Need to Support the LGBTQ Community | Vanessa Gillis-Phelps

Vanessa is a lesbian wife and mama to two amazing donor-conceived kids. After going through her own struggles of trying to conceive, she saw a need within her community for support and guidance on the conception journey. She is an LGBTQ fertility coach and the creator of Queer Fertility. She has helped countless lgbtq folks around the globe realize that anything is possible when it comes to creating the family of their dreams.


Website & Social media links (Facebook, instagram, twitter)

IG is


For more information about Michelle, visit

The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support:

Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility


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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

EP 220 Self Advocacy Inspired Her Fertility Coaching Career | Chelsea Leupold

Chelsea Leupold is a board-certified health and fertility coach certified with the Wholesome Fertility Method training, reiki healer, and yoga instructor. She holds a Master's Degree in Health Coach and Herbal Medicine and have helped hundreds of people reach their goals by making small but substantial changes. She is a Senior Health Coach at Visana Health a women's health company that focuses on holistic care. 

Website & Social media links (Facebook, instagram, twitter)

IG @chelsealeupoldfertility


For more information on becoming a certified fertility coach, visit

For more information about Michelle, visit

The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support:

Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility


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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

EP 216 The Missing Piece that Opened Her Path to Motherhood | Rosanne Austin

Rosanne Austin, two time bestselling author and creator of the Fearlessly Fertile Method, is a former state prosecutor turned Fertility Fairy Godmother. She is the fertility coach physicians trust and women around the world turn to when they are committed to mama-making success. Rosanne overcame her own 7 year struggle with fertility and had her son naturally at almost 44, when medicine had given up on her. She is committed to helping women get and stay pregnant. With her books, podcast, online courses, and retreats, Rosanne helps her clients become the Mom they were meant to be. She resides in The Woodlands, Texas with her husband, son, two chihuahuas, and two formerly feral cats. 
insta: @rosanneaustinfertility


For more information about Michelle, visit

The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support:

Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility


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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

#145 Preparing Your Body for Conception | Nora Debora

Nora DeBora is a Preconception Health Coach, Holistic Nutritionist and Fertility Awareness Practitioner who helps women prepare their bodies for pregnancy and have a healthy baby after 30. Through her signature program, Master Your Cycle To Get Pregnant, she teaches women how to optimize their hormones and fertility by harnessing the power of their menstrual cycle with nutrition and self care practices. When she’s not coaching, you can find her indulging in gourmet burgers, sweating in a yoga class, or on long hikes with her husky.

Download your Eat To Get Pregnant Guide at

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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

#144 PCOS & Fertility Health | Caitlin Johnson

Caitlin Johnson is a registered dietitian who loves great food– and people even more! She started her own family naturally in spite of a PCOS diagnosis. Now she uses her experience, evidence-based nutrition, and expertise to guide other women with PCOS into healing and fertility. You can find her on Instagram @PCOSFERTILITYNUTRITION. 

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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

#143 Stesha Reukauf | Conceiving naturally effortlessly

Stesha Reukauf is a Holistic Fertility Practitioner, Board Certified, focused on aligning the body, mind and spirit for optimal health & fertility for women. Through her signature course, Holistic Fertility Method, Stesha teaches women who have been struggling to conceive on their own or who are at the end of the road of what conventional medicine can offer them, to get to the root of their fertility challenges and create a holistic body-mind-soul practice to drastically increase health & fertility.

Instagram: @stesha.reukauf 

Facebook: @steshaRcoaching 

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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

#142 Are Your Hormones Imbalanced? | Candace Burch Discusses Saliva Tests, Hormone Balancing, and Fertility!


Candace Burch is the founder of Your Hormone Balance and a founding member of Women in Balance, one of the first nonprofits in the country to advocate for women’s hormone health. Her goal is to help people naturally rebalance their hormones to relieve symptoms and restore balance in their lives. Candace has spent the last 30 years as a health educator, journalist, and women’s health advocate raising public awareness about natural hormone health, including lobbying senators on Capitol Hill for safe access to bio-identical alternatives to hormone replacement therapy.


For $100 off, use code wholesomefertility100 at 

Instagram: @yourhormonebalance 

Podcast: “WTF: Women Talking Frankly

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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

# 141 Finding Strength through Loss on the Fertility Journey | Caryn Rich


Caryn Rich is a Fertility Coach, with experience helping women who want to get through the infertility journey using the expertise of someone who has experienced success. Through her courses, challenges and one-on-one coaching, she helps women shake up their approach to the process with support, making every step feel calmer and more understandable. 

After spending 8 years going through double digit ART cycles, 5 miscarriages and the loss of one of her twins, Caryn was able to fulfill her dream of completing her family. It was during that time that she earned her PHD in Infertility. She has helped many women with a step-by-step framework based on her own journey.  She believes that having the right mindset, advocating for yourself and keeping your sense of humor are the most important aspects for success. 

When Caryn is not teaching women the ABC’s of Infertility, you can find her enjoying time with her family and indulging in her favorite bulletproof coffee. 


For more information about Michelle, visit 

The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support: 

Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility 


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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

#140 Clean Living with Essential Oils | Laura Ortner


Laura has been in the health and wellness space for years as a coach and trainer.  Always trying to live life at a point of optimal health.  Hearing the word infertile came as quite a blow.  She decided to take that diagnosis and learn all that she could about infertility.  Through diet, supplements, clean living and hormone balancing, she was able to take control of her fertility naturally.

Laura was given a less than 1% chance of having a child of her own and in 2019, she gave birth to her biological baby girl.

Her journey soon became her passion.  Laura wants to help women in her situation navigate the overwhelming and frustrating diagnosis of infertility.

Fertility Essential oil blend:


For more information about Michelle, visit

The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support:

Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility


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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

#127 The Power of Word for Creations | Annette Figueredo


Annette Figueredo is a spiritual fertility coach guiding women through lasting and deep-rooted shifts.

As a Universal Kabbalist, Ayurvedic healer and transformational breathwork instructor, Annette specializes in cleansing, rejuvenation and moving stuck energy in order to remove the unseen blocks that are getting in the way. Annette works with women and couples who want to get pregnant naturally or through IVF.

Annette’s program is modeled after the exact methodology she used to manifest her baby as a first time mother over the age of 40 when doctors told her she had less than 5% chance of conceiving.  

As a licensed massage therapist, yoga practitioner and holistic wellness counselor of over ten years, Annette understands the importance of nervous system health and the reduction of stress. Annette trains top spas and wellness centers around the world to perform authentic healing protocols designed to detoxify, rejuvenate and restore balance in the body. Annette works with leading spas and healing practitioners worldwide, as well as private clients who she empowers with time-tested tools, beauty rituals and anti-aging techniques that naturally restore the innate wisdom of the body. 

Annette's approach to fertility is truly an integrative one, aligning body, mind and spirit. Annette's mission is to help women unleash their innate abilities to create, nurture and sustain life, from preconception through the sacred postpartum window, and create the joyful motherhood experience they've always dreamed of.


Annette was born in Miami where she currently resides with her 4-year-old son, Jack. 


For more information about Michelle, visit

The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support:

Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility


Annette Figueredo is a spiritual fertility coach guiding women through lasting and deep-rooted shifts. As a Universal Kabbalist, Ayurvedic healer and transformational breathwork instructor, Annette specializes in cleansing, rejuvenation and moving stuck energy in order to remove the unseen blocks that are getting in the way.

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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

#103 Miracles, Spirit Babies, and Post Traumatic Growth! | Dr. Maria Rothenburger

#103 Miracles, Spirit Babies, and Post Traumatic Growth! _ Dr. Maria Rothenburger.png

Maria T. Rothenburger, PhD, LPC is a Therapist and Coach specializing in fertility and family building.  When infertility reared its ugly head, Maria says she “went a wee bit crazy for 5 1/2 long years and one day spontaneously experienced profound joy.”  She states the struggle of infertility is what propelled her toward joy even before she was a mom!  She then became obsessed with finding out why she was able to feel so happy even amidst terrible trauma.  In fact, she believes it was because of the trauma.  Hence, her doctoral research focused on Posttraumatic Growth and Infertility (not the posttraumatic stress that is so prominent in the media). She has since made it her life mission to help others achieve the same growth she experienced.  Though she still practices traditional psychotherapy, her passion has become Fertility Coaching around the world involving a four-pronged approach - biological, emotional, social, and spiritual wellness - for movement toward optimal fertility, which she talks about in the Miracles Happen Fertility Podcast.

For more information about Michelle, visit

For information on the Wholesome Fertility Method online program visit

The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support:

Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility


Maria T.

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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

#90 Kela Smith Shares how Her Hormone Puzzle Method was the Missing Piece to Her Fertility Health

#90 Kela Smith Shares how Her Hormone Puzzle Method may be the Missing Piece to Fertility Health.jpg

Kela has an extensive background as a professional fitness trainer, wellness educator, and author.  To date, she has published two books: The Complete Hormone Puzzle Cookbook and The Hormone Puzzle Method for solving infertility, as well as an online course with the same name.  Kela also holds four distinct qualifications as a Certified Holistic Health & Wellness Coach. She realized her dream of creating a virtual holistic health and wellness practice and helps women all over the world solve these issues. As the creator of the Hormone Puzzle Method, Kela helps her clients learn how to cycle sync so they have pleasant periods, boosted fertility, happy hormones, hotter sex lives and greater creativity, productivity, and wellbeing at work.

The Hormone Puzzle Method

The Hormone Puzzle Cookbook

For more information about Michelle, visit

For information on the Wholesome Fertility Method online program visit

The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support:

Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility


Kela has an extensive background as a professional fitness trainer, wellness educator, and author.  To date, she has published two books: The Complete Hormone Puzzle Cookbook and The Hormone Puzzle Method for solving infertility, as well as an online course with the same name.  Kela also holds four distinct qualifications as a Certified Holistic Health & Wellness Coach.

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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

#51 Reclaiming the Miracle Mindset | Law of Attraction Fertility Coach Alexandra Sipos-Kocsis Discusses our Powerful Ability to Create

Alexandra Sipos-Kocsis is a certified Law of Attraction Fertility Coach, Reiki Healer and Loss Doula.


Alexandra Sipos-Kocsis is a certified Law of Attraction Fertility Coach, Reiki Healer and Loss Doula. She is passionate about helping women overcome challenges, fulfill their destiny as powerful creators and reclaim their miracle mindset. As a Coach, she support women on their fertility journey and helps them create the family and lives they desire. More information about Alexandra can be found at



For more information about Michelle visit

For Michelle's fertility online program, visit


Alexandra Sipos-Kocsis is a certified Law of Attraction Fertility Coach, Reiki Healer and Loss Doula. She is passionate about helping women overcome challenges, fulfill their destiny as powerful creators and reclaim their miracle mindset.

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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

#46 The Sacred Life of Fertility | Fertile Empowerment Coach Elisabeth Manning Discusses the Importance of Divine Alignment

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Elisabeth Manning left her coveted corporate job as the Assistant to the CEO of NIKE to discover her own unique calling, prepare for a child, and call in her soul mate, she found she had to create a fertile environment inside and out before any of these seeds would spark.

After doing the inner work, Elisabeth is now living her passion as a conscious creation and fertile empowerment coach, speaker and author on how to birth the best version of ourselves, whether a baby, business, soul mate or best life, cradling the notion that by creating the self and life we love, we attract (the right kind of) success and we birth a better world. Childfree by choice, Elisabeth lives with her soul mate husband in Northern California building their country home and attempting to wrangle their golden retriever pup into having better manners. 

For more information on Elisabeth, click here:

For more information and fertility resources, visit

For information about my online program, visit


Elisabeth Manning left her coveted corporate job as the Assistant to the CEO of NIKE to discover her own unique calling, prepare for a child, and call in her soul mate, she found she had to create a fertile environment inside and out before any of these seeds would spark.

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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

#44 How the Fertility Journey can Become your Teacher w/ Fertility Health Coach Monica Cox

Monica is somewhat of a hippy & is a bit obsessed with real food.

Monica is somewhat of a hippy & is a bit obsessed with real food. Her clean eating lifestyle evolved slowly during her NINE year infertility journey. She spent six years searching for an answer to her unexplained infertility, which included never seeing a BFP and two failed IVFs.

She decided to make some dramatic diet and lifestyle changes to improve her fertility health and requested immune tests, even though the doctors told her she wasn’t a candidate for such testing. The results came back and she discovered she had High Natural Killers Cells. The answer to her unexplained infertility. With five embryos on ice she did three FETs with immune suppressing drugs, which resulted in two miscarriages and one beautiful baby boy.

Two months after all medical treatment was done and dusted, she found out the dramatic diet and lifestyle changes had paid off and she was pregnant naturally for the first time ever. Baby boy number two entered their family in March 2018. Monica is a stay at home mom, wife, Fertility Health Coach, author of Baby&Me, Podcast host The Infertile Diagnosis and creator of #gratedvegbrekkie She’s all about inspiring others to improve their physical and mental health on

For more information about Michelle visit

For Michelle's fertility online program, visit


Monica is somewhat of a hippy & is a bit obsessed with real food. Her clean eating lifestyle evolved slowly during her NINE year infertility journey. She spent six years searching for an answer to her unexplained infertility, which included never seeing a BFP and two failed IVFs.

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Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

#40 Tuning into Your Body’s Innate Intelligence with Fertility Coach Tara McCann

Tara McCann is a women’s health coach specializing in preconception health and fertility. 

Tara McCann.jpg

Tara McCann is a women’s health coach specializing in preconception health and fertility.  Tara struggled for over 2 years to get pregnant with her first child. All through that journey, Tara learned to trust her body’s intuition, nourish herself with food and speak up for what she knew her body needed.  After having her children, Tara found health coaching, and immediately knew this was the support she had needed on her fertility journey. She was so inspired, that she became a health coach herself in 2014.   Tara has been empowering women to nourish themselves and optimize their health for fertility ever since.

To learn more about Tara, visit her website,

For more information about Michelle visit

For Michelle's fertility online program, visit

Tara McCann is a women's health coach specializing in preconception health and fertility.  Tara struggled for over 2 years to get pregnant with her first child. All through that journey, Tara learned to trust her body's intuition, nourish herself with food and speak up for what she knew her body needed.  After having her children, Tara found health coaching, and immediately knew this was the support she had needed on her fertility journey.

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