#127 The Power of Word for Creations | Annette Figueredo


Annette Figueredo is a spiritual fertility coach guiding women through lasting and deep-rooted shifts.

As a Universal Kabbalist, Ayurvedic healer and transformational breathwork instructor, Annette specializes in cleansing, rejuvenation and moving stuck energy in order to remove the unseen blocks that are getting in the way. Annette works with women and couples who want to get pregnant naturally or through IVF.

Annetteā€™s program is modeled after the exact methodology she used to manifest her baby as a first time mother over the age of 40 when doctors told her she had less than 5% chance of conceiving.  

As a licensed massage therapist, yoga practitioner and holistic wellness counselor of over ten years, Annette understands the importance of nervous system health and the reduction of stress. Annette trains top spas and wellness centers around the world to perform authentic healing protocols designed to detoxify, rejuvenate and restore balance in the body. Annette works with leading spas and healing practitioners worldwide, as well as private clients who she empowers with time-tested tools, beauty rituals and anti-aging techniques that naturally restore the innate wisdom of the body. 

Annette's approach to fertility is truly an integrative one, aligning body, mind and spirit. Annette's mission is to help women unleash their innate abilities to create, nurture and sustain life, from preconception through the sacred postpartum window, and create the joyful motherhood experience they've always dreamed of.


Annette was born in Miami where she currently resides with her 4-year-old son, Jack. 


For more information about Michelle, visit www.michelleoravitz.com

The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2149554308396504/

Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewholesomelotus/

Annette Figueredo is a spiritual fertility coach guiding women through lasting and deep-rooted shifts. As a Universal Kabbalist, Ayurvedic healer and transformational breathwork instructor, Annette specializes in cleansing, rejuvenation and moving stuck energy in order to remove the unseen blocks that are getting in the way.


#128 Can Diet Create Great Sex? Christine DeLozier Shares Her Findings!


# 126 Igniting Passion While on the Fertility Journey | Nora Wendel