#46 The Sacred Life of Fertility | Fertile Empowerment Coach Elisabeth Manning Discusses the Importance of Divine Alignment

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Elisabeth Manning left her coveted corporate job as the Assistant to the CEO of NIKE to discover her own unique calling, prepare for a child, and call in her soul mate, she found she had to create a fertile environment inside and out before any of these seeds would spark.

After doing the inner work, Elisabeth is now living her passion as a conscious creation and fertile empowerment coach, speaker and author on how to birth the best version of ourselves, whether a baby, business, soul mate or best life, cradling the notion that by creating the self and life we love, we attract (the right kind of) success and we birth a better world. Childfree by choice, Elisabeth lives with her soul mate husband in Northern California building their country home and attempting to wrangle their golden retriever pup into having better manners. 

For more information on Elisabeth, click here:





For more information and fertility resources, visit www.thewholesomelotus.com

For information about my online program, visit www.thewholesomefertilitymethod.com


Elisabeth Manning left her coveted corporate job as the Assistant to the CEO of NIKE to discover her own unique calling, prepare for a child, and call in her soul mate, she found she had to create a fertile environment inside and out before any of these seeds would spark.


#47 Finding Empowerment with Endometriosis w/ Endo Empowered Founder Melissa Turner


#45 What it Means to Go Clean and why it Matters to Fertility Health