Ayurveda and the Doshas
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicine which views and treats the body according to the elemental characteristics that it presents. There are three main body types (or Doshas): Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicine which views and treats the body according to the elemental characteristics that it presents. There are three main body types (or Doshas): Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Vata dosha presents as body type that is slim, delicate with a small belly. People who are primarily vata don't have defined muscles but are more frail and pale. The elements that rule vata are ether and air. The vata constitution has the following characteristics: Cold, Light, Dry, Rough , Subtle, Mobile, Clear. Vata governs breathing, heart, movement of muscles, sensory perception, nerve conduction, communication, flexibility, joy and consciousness.
Too much vata can cause anxiety, fear, constriction (physical and emotional), constipation, poor circulation, dry skin, being underweight, insomnia, shakiness / twitching.
Pitta dosha presents as a body which is medium shape, muscular, and very proportional. People who are primarily pitta may tend to get hot easily and have acne or excess sweating. The elements that rule pitta are fire and water. The pitta constitution has the following characteristics: Hot, light, sharp, liquid, oily, spreading. Pitta governs digestion, transformation, appetite / digestion, absorption, intelligence, courage, clear communication, and ambition.
Too much pitta can show as anger, impatience, jealousy, inflammation, burning, loose stools, rashes, migraines, bleeding and skin disorders, insatiable appetite, and overactive metabolism.
Kapha dosha presents as a body type with a larger build and has a tendency to retain water. People who are primarily kapha tend to move slower, resist change, and lack motivation. The elements that rule kapha are water and earth. The kapha constitution has the following characteristics: Slow, heavy, oily, cool, smooth, dense, cloudy, grounded. Kapha governs growth, nourishment, stability, fat regulation, and compassion.
Too much kapha can cause greediness, attachment, resistance to change, a sluggish metabolism, hardening of the arteries, cholesterol,and tumors / masses.
Most people will find themselves to be a combination of two of the doshas. All though they do exist, there are few people who are one pure dosha or a perfect combination of all three.
Figuring out a person's dosha is important in order to gain insight into what is needed to find balance. Balance is attained by eating food that is in contrast to the tendencies (i.e. if a person shows a lot of heat from pitta, eating cool foods to lower the body's heat), or using herbs, essential oils, and life habits / actions in order to control excess elements.
Balance is important because when the body is in harmony, it is able to do its' job and thrive!
Our Body's Climate
One may observe that when the weather becomes excessively moist, dry, hot, windy, or cold that they suddenly feel their joints ache or a headache come on. While one person may find their asthma gets worse in dry weather, another person's asthma disappears completely in response to dry weather.
One may observe that when the weather becomes excessively moist, dry, hot, windy, or cold that they suddenly feel their joints ache or a headache come on. While one person may find their asthma gets worse in dry weather, another person's asthma disappears completely in response to dry weather.
The ancients in China may have been onto something when they concluded that our bodies are no less than an extension of nature. And just like nature has climates and experiences of extremes, so do our bodies.
One of the best clues into figuring out a patient's climate is asking if they notice changes during extreme weather. For instance, people who suffer from headaches may notice that their symptoms get worse when it rains. Those individuals may get headaches because of too much damp accumulation in the body. Other people may have the same exact symptoms, but note that they get headaches when the weather gets cold. Those individuals might lack the heat needed to protect them from the cold and as a response get headaches as their body reacts to the low temperature. Arthritis can flare up during a cold front, humid weather, or heat spells depending on the type of arthritis they have as classified in Chinese medical terms.
So now that we've figured out what climate is causing the problem, how do we address it? We can certainly address it with acupuncture because it will help get the body's energy and blood moving which will make anyone feel better. But for a deeper way to address the body's climate, we'd have to turn to the Chinese medical pharmacy - herbs and formulas.
Herbs are organized in categories of what they do to the body. They cool, heat, moisten, dry, and resolve toxins. They also move and tonify qi and blood. Herbs are very powerful in harmonizing the body's climate. They also need to be used with caution because creating balance is a very delicate process that needs much insight and perceptivity.
So if a person show's a lot of signs of dampness, they are prescribed herbs and formulas that work to clear the dampness in the body.
As the yin yang symbol so beautifully symbolizes, the goal of Chinese Medicine is to create a harmonious balance in the body's climate which is compatible with life and well being.