#121 Why Your Intuition is Vital for Your Fertility Journey


Everyone is born with intuition.  In fact, the intuition is simply another sense that may have not received as much attention or acknowledgment as our other senses – at least not in the scientific world.  

We have all had moments where we ignored our intuition only to later regret it.  Why do we have such a strong memory of the urge we felt and then later ignored?  It’s as if we knew the difference between intuition and thought but simply doubted it.

Join me on this episode as I share the reasons why most of us ignore our intuitive calls and how to evoke and strengthen this amazing sense!  When you’re on the fertility journey, it becomes the clarity you need to make important decisions!

For more information about Michelle, visit www.michelleoravitz.com

The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2149554308396504/

Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewholesomelotus/

Everyone is born with intuition.  In fact, the intuition is simply another sense that may have not received as much attention or acknowledgment as our other senses - at least not in the scientific world.   We have all had moments where we ignored our intuition only to later regret it.  Why do we have such a strong memory of the urge we felt and then later ignored?  It's as if we knew the difference between intuition and thought but simply doubted it.


#122 Bruce Lipton Shares the Secret Sauce to Aligning with Our Deepest Wishes!


# 120 Cycle Syncing Your Workouts | Jenni Hulburt