Michelle Oravitz Michelle Oravitz

#152 The Spiritual Side of the Fertility Journey | Nancy Weiss


Nancy Weiss is an Intuitive Coach and Reiki Master who supports women in reawakening their intuition and spirituality by empowering them with energy, mindset and manifestation techniques so they can experience profound transformation, trust themselves and feel confident in making their dreams a reality.

Over the last 30 years, Nancy has cultivated her psychic abilities and spiritual practices like using the Law of Attraction, which has enabled her to become a master manifester.  She's also helped hundreds of women who are struggling to conceive with 1:1 psychic energy healing and intuitive coaching sessions to help them release blocks, eliminate fear and bring their babies into the world. 

For more information about Michelle, visit

The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support:

Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility


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