#24 PCOS & Endometriosis Nutrition with Dietitian Melissa Groves

Melissa Groves is an integrative & functional dietitian specializing in women's health and hormones, especially PCOS, fertility, & endometriosis. Her mission is to help women live healthy and symptom-free lives using whole-foods nutrition and lifestyle changes to regain regular periods without medications and optimize their fertility. She uses a functional medicine approach to figure out the root causes of her client’s symptoms, and together helps them develop a personalized plan to get them feeling better and living their best life.

She spent the first 15 years of her career working as a copywriter in New York City medical advertising, totally burned out on the high-stress lifestyle, and went back to school to become a registered dietitian so she could help other women learn how to put their health first. 

She has been featured in national magazines including HealthlineShapeReader’s Digest, and U.S. News and World Report. She serves on the board for Dietitians in Integrative & Functional Medicine as the Social Media Chair as well as on her state board. 

She lives in Portsmouth with her fiance and their 4 cats. She sees clients in her office there, or virtually from anywhere in the US.

Melissa has a freebie she’d love to share - a 5-day meal plan for PCOS that's high in protein, low in refined carbs, and full of hormone-balancing, anti-inflammatory foods: http://bit.ly/PCOSMeals


you can find Melissa on Instagram @thehormonedietitian. 

For more information about Michelle, visit www.thewholesomelotus.com

For information on the Wholesome Fertility Method online program visit www.thewholesomefertilitymethod.com

Melissa Groves is an integrative & functional dietitian specializing in women's health and hormones, especially PCOS, fertility, & endometriosis. Her mission is to help women live healthy and symptom-free lives using whole-foods nutrition and lifestyle changes to regain regular periods without medications and optimize their fertility.


#25 Marc Sherman with Organic Conceptions discusses the Importance of Emotional Health


#23 Natural Fertility Info Herbalist Elizabeth Willet