“I reached out to Michelle after listening to her podcast for a few months…I signed up for her online program and let me tell you this was one of my best decisions. For 9 years I had no period, 4 of those Years I battled an eating disorder and basically destroyed my hormone profile. After getting married I knew how badly we both wanted a family, I started working holistically with natural remedies to increase my hormones, then into fully talking those hormones and finally fertility treatments. The day I spoke to Michelle was actually the day after my 3rd IUI has failed. The month following her course, I began practicing more mindfulness, relaxing, adding little things into my diet and with a small blessing (which I will also thank the complete forced rest from Covid) I fell pregnant!!I am currently 14 weeks and couldn’t be more excited about what I have learned, and the gift it gave me!”
- Allie B.