1:1 Online Fertility Coaching
You have tried everything to get pregnant…
and still don’t feel like you’re making progress
Perhaps you've had times when you have taken on this challenge with determination that you will do whatever it takes to figure this journey out.
You've read all the books, listened to every podcast and joined every fertility Facebook group you could find.
But even after learning great information, you found yourself getting lost in the details and more confused than when you started.
You are not alone.
I offer an online fertility program designed to help you which includes:
Each individual has their own pattern which is the root cause of why symptoms emerge. I have been trained through Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda to recognize those patterns and find ways to balance any disharmony that is expressed physiologically. Once the body can come to a state of balance, it will naturally heal itself. As I have found from experience, it is a lot easier to create harmony in the body than we think - it is our most natural state and we are programmed to operate that way!
Functional Testing
I offer functional testing which includes the DUTCH test, Microbiome testing, Vaginal microbiome testing, along with food sensitivity testing. Doing this is a game changer! This helps create a much more effective protocol and often can shed light on many things that have been missed. This often is the explanation that comes after the “Unexplained Infertility” diagnosis! To find out more about the tests I include, click here.
Each Chinese formula is created to harmonize imbalances in the body. I assess individuals to see which specific formula would work best to create balance and harmony. Upon achieving initial balance, I then move on to gynecological formulas that are given on the menstrual phase. Some of these herbs have been found to increase mitochondrial energy which is vital to egg quality and maturation.
There are many important supplements that are backed by science as having a direct effect on fertility health and egg quality. I have researched these supplements and created a list of products that I trust.
If you can change only one thing, it should be the way you eat! Food is one of the most important aspects of health and well being. We can completely alter our health with just our food choices. There are certain foods as well as how we prepare them which can create a more fertile environment in our bodies. I will discuss those in steps to create lasting change.
It all starts with our visualization. Our minds are so powerful and when we can create calm, our body’s are able to get into a healing state a lot faster. Our body’s innate state is to heal itself, it only gets disrupted when we live out of alignment with too much stress and disharmony. When we find inner calm, it will be able to come back to its’ harmonious state a lot faster.
What matters most is to meet yourself where you are. I have been through my own emotional struggles and this created great empathy within me which I feel passionate about paying forward. I will check in frequently and provide a safe space for you to express your deepest concerns and feelings. This is something I take very seriously and hold above everything else.
The 3 Myths that may be preventing your reproductive potential
Myth # 1
Low ovarian reserve equals low egg quality.
Many women may have been told they have low ovarian reserve, but this doesn't mean they can't get pregnant. Egg quality can be improved by implementing a healthy lifestyle that is customized to your needs. The key word is customized! Everybody has unique needs that need to be addressed in order to optimize their overall health which will reflect in their fertility health.
Myth #2
I can figure this out by searching online.
While Dr. Google can be very helpful at times, other times he can lead to you to the land of the never-ending spiral to nowhere. Unless you are a fertility wellness expert, it is very hard to separate fact from fiction. There are many wive's tales out there and some 'scientific' claims that aren't based in science. So searching online isn't always going to get you the clear answer you are seeking.
Myth #3
What worked for my friend can work for me.
This myth can push back your efforts because it simply doesn’t work. Your body has unique needs and deserves a customized approach. Once you tap into your own needs, then you can unlock your body’s innate healing potential which always translates to improved fertility health.
Client Testimonials
“By learning and understanding the different parts of this holistic approach, I feel a lot more confident in understanding my body....Michelle’s understanding, her approach, her loving softness of being really motivated to guide and support you on your path is really what I loved.”
“Michelle has an abundance of knowledge and is in-the-know with fertility research and holistic approaches. I truly believe Michelle looks out for your best interest and I trust her as a guide towards motherhood. I recommend her 100% to help you in your fertility journey.”
Fertility Support Group
Join my private Facebook group to connect with other women going through fertility challenges.